Title : The Picture of Dorian Gray Author : Oscar Wilde Goodreads : 4.1 / 5 Mine : 2.1 / 5 Classic . ' A book which people praise and don't read. - Mark Twain Considered one of the classics of English literature, the book definitely has a wonderful story. Dorian Gray, a twenty year old lad is friends with a painter Basil Hollaward who is enamoured by Dorian's exceptional beauty. Basil has a friend named Lord Henry Wotton who is a cynical and tends to have powerful influence over all his acquintances. Dorian and Henry meet while Basil is painting a portrait of Dorian, his best work according to the painter. Dorian gets influenced, over a few meetings and many long monologues, by Lord Henry and starts to seek pleasures in every aspect of life. First this Dorian does is gets obsessed over his own paiting and good looks. He claims ...
In 1998, I started reading poetry. Subsequently, I started to write poems & plays. The notebook I used then had become my constant companion and a personal talisman. Every time I open that notebook, I get to relive the memory of the day I wrote each page. Finally, the notebook exhausted its pages and Google came to my rescue. Yes, this public blog is to connect and share my thoughts with whoever happens to read but mainly it is for me, as a personal talisman.