This is the hardback cover of the novel as picked from library Title - Chandrakanta Author - Devki Nandan Khatri Genre - Mystery Novel Status - First time read Don't judge the book by its cover, the saying is true for this masterpiece. A few weeks ago I read an article about the upcoming TV serial based on this novel. The writer went on and on about how great the story was and how the first TV serial of some twenty years ago based on this book was blockbuster success. I remembered the 1994 serial but had never read the book. This article spiked my interest and I went in search for it. Finding this book in MJ library was harder than I thought, mainly because very few of his books are actually there. Secondly, the cover is misleading and does not strike as suitable for a classic of this stature. But I found it, obviously, and decided to read it in next two weeks. However, almost a week went by before I even opened it. Story started literally from the first pag...
In 1998, I started reading poetry. Subsequently, I started to write poems & plays. The notebook I used then had become my constant companion and a personal talisman. Every time I open that notebook, I get to relive the memory of the day I wrote each page. Finally, the notebook exhausted its pages and Google came to my rescue. Yes, this public blog is to connect and share my thoughts with whoever happens to read but mainly it is for me, as a personal talisman.