Mumbai meri Jaan and Aamir - we have recently had two Bollywood movies dealing with the subject of Terrorism. Mumbai meri Jaan depicts the after effects of a terror incident. Its about real life characters absorbing the shock of bomb blasts and then recovering. The journey of their losses and more importantly - their gains. Aamir is a fiction about a man who is stuck in the mayhem of the terrorists. An idealist one - however, with a stodgy end. A Wednesday is, more than anything, a suprise for all the cinema lovers in India. The movie revolves around the similar subject but still it's greatly removed from the latter two movies. The attempt of a synopsis of this movie might give a lot away. Even the narrator, retiring commissioner of Police Mr Prakash Rathore (Anupam Kher) stays away, very smartly, from telling you the end. The story revolves around a fateful Wednesday between 1 to 6 pm, when a man, Naseeruddin Shah (at his intimidating best), calls up the commissioner and tells him...
In 1998, I started reading poetry. Subsequently, I started to write poems & plays. The notebook I used then had become my constant companion and a personal talisman. Every time I open that notebook, I get to relive the memory of the day I wrote each page. Finally, the notebook exhausted its pages and Google came to my rescue. Yes, this public blog is to connect and share my thoughts with whoever happens to read but mainly it is for me, as a personal talisman.